1. Where is my order?

You can check the status of your order from your account. If your order is dispatched, please check which shipping option you choose at checkout. Please note that these shipping times are approximate so the delivery may take a little longer than expected. Please wait at least 3 working days before contacting us.

  1. Where can I view my order history?

If you are a registered customer of Selty Goods, you can check your order history by logging into your account.

  1. How can I cancel my order?

If you want to cancel your order before dispatch, please contact our customer service team via live chat or email us at info@seltygoods.com

  1. I ordered the wrong phone case, what should I do?

Please check your order carefully as some phone models have very similar names. We’ll be happy to exchange incorrect item with the right one on safe returns to us. Please note that you’ll pay for the return postage cost.

  1. The item I wanted is out of stock, is it coming back in?

If the item you wanted is out of stock, please tell us via live chat or email with the name of the item you’re after and we’ll notify you.



  1. How long will it take to receive my order?

Any items ordered before 3pm Monday to Saturday will be posted out the same day. UK orders should arrive in 1 to 3 working days. If you want to receive it faster, you can select next-day delivery option at checkout page.

  1. What should I do if my order doesn’t arrive?

Please wait 3 working days from your expected delivery date. If for any reason your order doesn’t arrive in this timeframe, please contact us via live chat or email us at info@seltygoods.com

  1. Do you deliver overseas?

All our delivery options shown at the checkout page.

  1. How much is shipping?

Selty Goods offer FREE Standard Shipping option for all orders to the UK. If you select fast delivery option or ordered overseas, shipping options and prices will display at the checkout page.



  1. How can I return my order?

Please make a note of your Order Number, the reason for returning and whether you would like a refund or exchange in the returns package. Please return your items to:

Selty Goods, 151 W Green Rd, London, N15 5EA, United Kingdom

  1. How long do I have to return my order? 

If you’re unhappy with your order and you’d like to return the item(s) to us, you have 30 days to do this. Please ensure that you package your order appropriately and return the unused items to us. If you’ve received a defective product, please provide a description of the fault, and return the defective item to us in its original box (if any) with all accessories included.

  1. How do I get a refund?

We offer a no-quibble money-back guarantee on all unwanted items returned to us within 30 days in an unused condition.

Please note that we will be unable to offer a refund on items that have been personalized (unless they have a manufacturing defect)

See the returns & refund policy for more details.



  1. Can I bulk buy for my company?

For sure! If you are interested in placing a bulk order for your company, then please contact us via email at info@seltygoods.com