References in this Privacy Policy statement to ‘we’, ‘us’ and “Selty Goods” are to Selty Ltd., trading as Selty Goods.

Selty Ltd.
151 W Green Rd
N15 5EA
United Kingdom


At Selty Goods, we are committed to maintaining your privacy. Our privacy policy statement is as outlined below. If we make any changes to this policy, we will notify you by updating this statement on our website.

Last Updated : 7/11/2021


Selty Goods is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We will only collect, store and use your personal information for specific purposes. We use your personal information to support and enhance our relationship with you. We only share your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2018 and other applicable laws. You may contact Selty Goods at any time with any privacy questions or concerns and to see the personal information you have given us and request correction.


Your use of the website, any disclosure of personal information via the website signifies your consent to us collecting and using personal information about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Basic account information

When a customer registers at via the checkout or directly we ask for the following information which is held in order to process your order:

-       Email address

-       First name

-       Last name

-       Address (Street)

-       City

-       Postcode

-       Telephone (not required)

-       Country

All this is necessary so we can recognise you as a registered customer, pass on the correct details with your order, and ensure that you are happy with the service you receive.

We keep a record of any email correspondence you send us, so we can track any problems or concerns you've had. Seltygoods will keep this information legally for up to 6 years in line with our requirements under UK law.

If you would like to amend the information you have provided to us this can be done directly via My Account, or feel that what we currently have on record is incorrect, you may update the information by emailing:


The password you set as part of your account when ordering or via the account confirmation email is encrypted and stored with us so no one has access to it. This password cannot be seen by any provider or by any member of the team including customer service.  This is to protect your personal information and any updates to it. You can reset your password at any time.

Payment information

During the checkout process on site, we store your credit card details (Card holder name, Card Number, Expiry Date and CVN) for a few seconds in memory while the order is processed via our Card processing provide. This information is communicated via SSL (Secure Socket layer) and is wiped once the transaction is authorised. Once the transaction is authorised we store the last 4 digits of the card number only. This is used to confirm identity and project against fraud.

If Paypal is used as the payment method, then we store the email address of the paypal account in order to process the payment of the order and to confirm identity. No card details held by Paypal are shared with


All the information Selty Goods collect via the website or through correspondence with you is used to operate and improve the service we offer you and to personalise our service. Our agents, vendors, consultants, and other service providers may receive, or be given access to your information, including Personal Information and Usage Information, in connection with their work on our behalf. These service providers are prohibited from using your Personal Information for any purpose other than to provide this assistance, although we may permit them to use aggregate information which does not identify you or de-identified information for other purposes.

We are committed to using your personal information only for:

  1. Providing ability to shop remotely in line with the distance and selling act.
  2. Technical administration of our website.
  3. To market, promote, and drive engagement with the Services

We use your contact information to send promotional communications that may be of specific interest to you, including by email and by displaying ads on other companies' websites and applications, as well as on platforms like Facebook and Google. These communications are aimed at driving engagement and maximizing what you get out of the Selty Goods site. We communicate with you about new product offers, promotions and contests. You can control whether you receive these communications as described below under "Opt-out of communications."

  1. Customer support

We use your information to resolve any issues you might be having with an order or use of the site.

  1. With your consent

We use the information about you where you have given us consent to do so for a specific purpose not listed above. For example quotes or testimonials for products you may have purchased.


Selty Goods collects usage information which may contain a device identifier, operating system, country code, IP address and information about the use of our site. Except to the extent required by applicable law, Selty Goods does not consider this information personal information. However, when usage information is combined with personal information, we will treat it as Personal information under this privacy policy.

The methods we collect this information:

-           Cookies (see full detail below)

-           Tracking pixels

Small image links known as tracking pixels are embedded in web pages across the site to monitor how users navigate the site, how they get to the site for services such as Affiliate networks and count content views.

-           Embedded scripts

An embedded script is programming code designed to collect information about your interactions with the Site. It is temporarily downloaded onto your device from our web server or a third party with whom we work, is active only while you are connected to the Service and deleted or deactivated thereafter.

-           Location identification technologies

We use your IP address to geographically locate the country you visit from to provide a better service on the site. This location can only ever see to the level of the country your visit comes from and is not GPS (global positioning systems) or the like.


Selty Goods does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. As stated in SeltyGoods’ terms and conditions, use of the site requires a minimum age of 18.


We do not share your data with any third parties except as provided in this policy or as required by law. We will not share personal data with third parties for Direct Marketing by those parties without your consent.  We share your details with the following kinds of third parties, IT companies who support our website and other business systems, Operational companies such as delivery couriers, marketing services such as email marketing providers, Google/Facebook to show you products that might interest you while browsing the internet (This is based on your consent see our Cookie details below) and Data analytics websites to understand and improve our services.


The provider of our server and hosting environment, Shopify does not work with your personal data in anyway, however they do have access to it as they provide the technology with which our platform runs as well as providing backups and fail safes.

Shopify’s privacy policy can be found here.

Realex/Global Payments

Our ability to process payments is provided by Realex Payments a division of Global Payments, whose payments processor and merchant banking is required for all debit/credit card transactions processed on the site. Global Payments is HSBC's preferred supplier for card processing in the UK.

Global Payments’ privacy policy can be found here.


When you join our Email marketing solution via the Checkout process or enable it via My Account, you give us consent to sharing your Personal information with Mailchimp, this information is only shared to provide you with marketing and product information from Selty Goods and NO other third parties. You can Opt out of this service any time by visiting My Account.

Mailchimp privacy policy can be found here


If you choose Paypal as a payment method on the site, then you are opting to provide paypal with your personal information and providing us with your Paypal email address, allowing us to link your payment via Paypal and our order. We have no access to your Paypal account at any time and the information you provide in Paypal is subject to Paypals terms.

Paypal privacy policy can be found here.


When you join the Selty goods mailing list you opt into joining our Facebook mailing list audience. This service allows you to have personalised advertising and to provide you with products that you may be interested in.

When you provide your details via Facebook for Customer service related enquires this information is held on file, we hold this information to provide you with the best service possible and to enable our team to communicate with you on the issue.

Royal mail

As Selty Goods international delivery service Royal mail is provided with all customer names and addresses that use that service in order to provide that delivery service.

Royal mails privacy policy can be found here. 


Basic Account information

We keep all order information for at least 6 years in accordance with UK Law and the processing of VAT. This information includes Name, Address, Product and the values both NET and VAT of the order.

Delivery tracking numbers or references

We keep the reference number for the delivery of your order as well as any tracking number for up to 1 year after the purchase, this is required for proof of delivery or charge back issues. After this point the information is removed from our system.

Customer service related enquires

We hold all customer service-related queries and information on file regards less of where it comes from (email, phone, twitter, Facebook) and do so for five years. This information is held to enable Selty goods to monitor and provide its lifetime exchange warranty on all Selty goods products.


Selty goods holds only the personal information required to provide you with the service.

The information we hold can be found above (What information we store about you) and which third parties we share it with can be found in (Who we share your personal information with).

If you would like to edit this information at ANY time this can be done via “My Account” section, this will allow you to amend your personal information or remove it. You can also set your preferences for marketing communications via third parties in this area of the site. If you do not have access for any reason, you can amend your information by contacting support.

You also have the right for all information we hold to be removed, where it is not required by law for us to hold this information, we will remove all personal information we hold on request.


We can’t provide you with the detail of all customer service-related queries etc. as part of My Account, you can however request this from us. If you want to access your information, please send a description of the information you want to see and proof of your identity by post for the attention of the Data Manager, Selty Goods, 151 W Green Rd, London, N15 5EA. We do not accept these requests by email to ensure that we only provide personal data to the right person.


Our Site uses Google Analytics and other service providers to help us learn about who visits our Site and what pages are being viewed. These analytics services may use tracking technologies. Information generated by these services (e.g., your IP address and other Usage Information) may be transmitted to and stored by these service providers on servers in the U.S. (or elsewhere) and these service providers may use this information for purposes such as evaluating your use of the Site, compiling statistic reports on the Sites’ activity, and providing other services relating to Site activity and other internet usage.

We will never (and will not allow any third party to) use the statistical analytics tool to track or to collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of visitors to our site. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Neither we nor Google will link, or seek to link, an IP address with the identity of a computer user. We may also engage and work with third parties such as Google and Facebook to serve advertisements on the Site and/or on third party Sites. These third parties may use tracking technologies to tailor ads to your interests based on your browsing of the Service and elsewhere on the internet, sometimes referred to as "interest-based advertising" and "online behavioral advertising, which may include sending you an ad on a third-party service after you have left the Services (i.e., "retargeting").

You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Google Analytics by going to or downloading the Google Analytics


To improve your experience with us, our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small data file that is stored by your web browser on your computer.

We use cookies to access stored information when you sign in, carry information from page to page, store site preferences and the items in your shopping basket and to enable you to proceed to checkout at any time. Cookies also help us to personalize your online experience.


Cookie control

You have complete control over what cookies we drop on your computer. We give you this control via a tool called Cookie control, which is the first thing to be shown to all new users. This tool allows you to opt out of cookies for services such as Marketing or Analytics if you wish too.

What are the different cookie control settings

Necessary Cookies

There are certain cookies our service can’t function without, these allow us to make sure we know who you are for logins, remember your cart information if your connection is broken or cache site to make it faster, you can see these all outlined in the detailed cookie section above.

Analytical Cookies

We use Google to gather site statistics and information on how you use the site. This information is anonymised and is only used to understand what we need to improve to make our services more enjoyable and simpler.

Marketing Cookies

To keep you up to date with our latest offers, bestselling products and new lines we need to store cookies. Which we can use with services such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the aGoogle AdSense network. This information is not shared with any partners outside those listed in our privacy policy. We also take great care in deciding who to work with and make sure they have a privacy policy fit for your data.

Accept Recommendation Settings

By clicking “Accept recommendation settings” you agree to keep switched on Analytical and Marketing cookies and our Necessary cookies, so we are offering you the best possible service.

Google Ads Settings

You can always change your advertising preferences with google via Google ads settings.

Browser Settings

All internet browsers like Internet Explorer or Safari allow you to change your cookies and turn them on or off. These settings are normally found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. The following links may be helpful, otherwise try the 'Help' option in your browser.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

To turn off third party cookies set by advertisers, visit Your Online Choices website.


If you want to read up even more on cookies and how they are used on the Internet, you can also visit:

Microsoft Cookies guide =

If you have any other questions about Selty Goods’ use of cookies, please email us at


If you no longer wish to receive further communication from Selty Goods, including e-mail, post, or any other form of communication, or you no longer wish to be contacted by any other company who you permitted us to provide your details to, please

Login to Your Account and you can manage your subscription and "opt out".

Alternatively e-mail to unsubscribe from our communication, stating ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’ in the subject line.

All e-mail correspondence will feature a link to unsubscribe, if you would prefer to use this method.